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American Youth Soccer Organization Providing world class youth soccer programs that enrich children's lives.


AYSO Region 969 (Del City and Surrounding area) A Nonprofit Organization



VIP (Ages: Varies) *Currently unavailable for Fall 2024 
AYSO is proud to offer a very special program for developmentally disabled children and adults. Our VIP (Very Important Player) program provides a safe, fun environment with, VIP Buddies, and volunteers who facilitate an enriching experience that the players and their families will cherish forever. The program leaders have 20+ years of experience in special education programs. 

Practice: Feel free to practice at home!
Games: Weekly sessions.

Click here to learn more: 

Playground (Ages 3-5) - Free for the first 15 registrations ($35 + $2.75 transaction fee if after 15 free spots are taken)
This program is designed to be an introduction to soccer through fun and creative activities. The activities are developed to help improve the child's: hand/eye coordination, balance, team participation, and listening skills. This helps them transition into the next step.

Practice: Feel free to practice at home!
Games: Weekly sessions: Tim Rossiter will contact you with more details. Feel free to reach out to him with any questions or concerns: [email protected]

Core (Ages 5-18) - $65/player + $2.75 transaction fee *New players will need to purchase a uniform kit (home/away jersey) $25. Early bird, multiple registration, and multiple season discounts available.
This is standard youth soccer program broken into age based groups. AYSO and FIFA laws of the game are applied. This program is recreational based and focused on player development and player participation. This allows them to be able to approve upon their skills as a player and a teammate. All games and practices will be done at the AYSO Soccer fields.

Practice: Depending on age, your division may practice 1-2 times per week. Feel free to practice more at home!
Games: Weekly games.

Alliance High School Development (Current HS athletes) - $75/player + $2.75 transaction fee *Includes Jersey Top. Early bird, multiple registration, and multiple season discounts available.
This is program is for current HS soccer athletes and designed to help improve their game and keep their conditioning for their schools next season. At the end of the season their skills will be put to the test in a friendly tournament. 

Practice: 2-3 times per week. Feel free to practice more at home!
Games: Weekly games.

Alliance Competitive Team (10y-19y) - COMING SOON!
This program is meant for seasoned players that want a more competitive atmosphere and game play. This is a tryout based program and fees will vary depending on the amount of participation the Alliance program want to have in local game play and tournament play. Will require some traveling with this program, but we will try our best to keep everything fairly local.
Questions? Concerns?
Please email us at [email protected]

Contact Us

AYSO Region 969 (Del City and Surrounding Area) a Nonprofit Organization

4570 E Reno Ave 
Del City, Oklahoma 73115

Email Us: [email protected]

Phone: 405-741-2976